With a partner:
1. Find 5 examples of interesting/confusing/distinct interactions on the web
A. I was confused on which links were meant to be hovered over until
I actually did and some change was made or something popped up

B. I found it interesting how some features highlighted when I hovered
over it so it was easier to read.

C. I found this virtual interaction is very interesting and the
overall website is very organized.

D. I think the texture and pattern created with the music
is interesting but I was confused on what the purpose of it was.

E. I did not like this one at all I found it very
confusing because there were so many things going on as well as nothing would actually
indicated that it is being hovered over other than the fact that my mouse goes from just
a pointer to the clicker hand thing.

2. Find 5 examples of interesting/ugly/beautiful typography on the web
A. I found the font GT Alpina Typewriter, Lausanne very interesting

B. I think the simple design of the website works nicely with
the sans serif typeface.

C. I like the the bubblyness of the Sometimes Times, FF Bau, DM Mono
font and how clean it looks

D. I really disliked the Whyte, Media Sans font because it looked like

it was printed poorly or something was wrong with the font because glimpses of it were cut out.
E. I like how the type is arranged in the website, almost like it is placed

on top of the box.

3. Post your links with screenshots + 1–2 sentence description below each (presentation format up to you)